Homework Session will once again be held in Amy Vorwald's classroom from dismissal time - 4:00 pm. If you are interested in more information contact Amy Vorwald ([email protected])
A reminder that students who are walking or biking to school from the hospital area or coming from across the bridge will have supervised crossing from 7:50-8:00 at the crosswalk at the southeast corner of the gym. This is the same crosswalk that we required students to use last school year. We do not want students crossing at the four way stop for safety purposes.
Xavier Parish friends, we are looking for more people to teach Children’s Liturgy on Sunday mornings! It takes place during mass and is about 20 minutes long. It involves reading the gospel and teaching the message at the kids’ level! Then some coloring to wrap it up! It’s easy and a great way to volunteer in your parish! If we can get enough volunteers, it will be a once-a-month commitment! Contact Emily Domeyer if interested at 563-599-5069.
Xavier will continue with our health and safety protocols that have been recommended by Dubuque County Public Health and the CDC. Please remember that if your child has one of the High Risk Symptoms (new cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, loss of taste or smell), please keep your child home. If your child has two or more of the Low Risk Symptoms (fever, headache, muscle & body aches, sore throat, runny nose, congestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) please keep your child home. Also, please remember to take your child's temperature each morning prior to sending them to school. We as adults need to do our best to be vigilant with ourselves & our children when it comes to handwashing, social distancing, wearing our masks when we can’t be 6 feet apart from people, & avoiding large crowds of people, as well as following the other guidelines provided by the CDC on keeping ourselves healthy and protected from COVID 19. With your help we can make this a safe and healthy school year!